Time is slipping away as we are sitting locked down at our homes due to COVID-19 pandemic. Effective utilization of the time available in hand is essential to score excellent grades in SAT. The SAT exam is highly competitive and every minute must be devoted to be in the selected lot. The Coronavirus outbreak might have hampered your classes. You may find it daunting to study the subjects during these testing times. Nevertheless, you must commence SAT prep for cracking the exam.

We will be discussing some steps and tips that will be beneficial for you during the prep for the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). Preparing a timetable, allocating sufficient time, and following it judiciously, is vital to crack the exam. As you know, nothing can replace hard work. Since the SAT focuses on reasoning aptitude, perceptive thinking capabilities, and problem resolving ability of a student, you must do the prep accordingly.

Not Too Many Books!

Buying and stacking too many books may turn you down. You may not even read more than a couple of pages from those. What is the usage of buying those books, then? It is best if you can finalize the books you want to buy.

You may consult with experienced tutors, professionals, or seniors to confirm the books that can be of use. A useful book will have all the vital topics covered, in an arranged manner, to enable you to appear in the SAT successfully. Finalize and buy the books before sitting down for prep for the SAT.

Fix a Schedule

Fix a time schedule for studying the SAT subjects. Avoid sitting for long durations. It will bore you and you stop the prep all at once. It is advisable to study steadily and continue it consistently. After some days you will start enjoying the prep.

The timetable may be flexible, to make it convenient for you to reschedule it if you miss prep on a particular day. Although, skipping the prep should be prevented as much as possible. Once you follow the timetable for a few days, you will be habituated and it will turn comfortable for you.

Online Classes

Joining an online class will be better than preparing everything by yourself. A positive push from the experienced online tutors will aid you in continuing the stride. They can give you better insights about the exam strategy and exam preparation, with their vast experience in the field.

Also read, How Does One Achieve a Perfect Score On SAT?

Only that you must be cautious whilst choosing the online tutoring classes. Select a reputed online academy with ample experience and results. Some online tutors charge exorbitantly, even though they are not well qualified to coach. Online academies are a better choice than individual tutors are. Further, the constant feedback from the tutors will reveal your weakness and flaws, which can be worked upon for improvements.

Mock Tests

Once you complete a particular topic, attend an online exam for the same. Your level of preparedness could be clear from the exam results. In addition, attend as many mock tests comprising all the topics and subjects. The tensions and apprehensions regarding the real exam will reduce with more practice.

You can use mock tests to understand your position and formulate an exam strategy. You can also take support from professional tutors for the same.

Prep Based on Old Questions

By practising old questions, you can understand question patterns, important topics, and the type of questions asked. You can leverage this to prepare for the forthcoming SAT exam. The repeated practice of old questions will improve your speed. Thus, you can attend more questions correctly during the SAT exam.

Prepare SAT Maths Well

Maths is a tough subject, compared to others. Math tutoring helps students to achieve new goals in educational life. However, the subject will help you score high during the SAT. It comprises two sections, having a total of 58 questions from Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Data Analysis, and Trigonometry. You can use a calculator in the first section. The second section has to be attended without using a calculator.

You may also read, Tips & Tricks to Improve your SAT Score by 200 Points

The three aspects that will help you in Math exams are practice, capability in mental calculations, and shortcuts for doing complicated questions. You seek professional help for finding out shortcuts if needed.

Fast Reading is the Key

You must read every question carefully and completely. Students have a tendency to start answering after reading partially. However, it can land you in trouble. The question may mean different in totality. A better way to overcome this problem is to practice fast reading.

By inculcating the habit of fast reading, you can understand the essence of the question in a single reading itself. Thus eliminating the time wastage.

Improve Grammar

In-depth knowledge of English grammar will boost your confidence during attending the subject. Ensure that your basics of English grammar are strong. You may undergo online coaching if necessary.

Constant preparation, consistent practice, and confident approach are essentially required for cracking the SAT exam. With an increase in the number of candidates each year, only the highly prepared can be among the selected few. Hence, carry out SAT prep judiciously. You may also check for online coaching academies, who will aid you in the SAT preparation. Do not leave any stone unturned and put up an all-out effort to qualify the SAT exam in the first attempt itself.

This compiles the list of best tips to prepare for SAT amid the coronavirus outbreak. To prove your talent and to bring out the best in you, get prepared first! Sage Education Services, the best SAT training centre in Dubai can help you out to prove your abilities. Sage Education Services is a well-established organisation that not only provides training to the students but guides them until admission also. Being the trusted educational service in Dubai, we have helped thousands of students to succeed in SAT exams. Contact us at +971 56 408 1202 / +971 4 379 0899. Our representative has all the answers you were searching for.